To develop an Android strategy game in Java.
MY ROLE: Software Engineer & UX Designer
TIMEFRAME: January, 2019 - May, 2019
CLASS: Objects and Design
TEAM STYLE: 4 Software Engineers
TEAMMATES: Ryan Li, Kiersten Schutz, Jonathan He
TOOLS USED: Java, Android Studio, Software Architecture, UI Flow Diagram, Unit Testing, Domain Model, Github, Context Diagram
BIGGEST TAKEAWAY: Creating APP is fun!
To create an Android game called SpaceTrader that can allow users to create account, adjust user settings, go to different planets, occur random events during the flights, and buy goods.
Getting Started
I would document the setting up and designing of the project based on timeline. The APP development was going on at the concurrent time. You can download the codes here from Github if you would like:
1. First of all we need to set up the project. To brainstorm the events, we individually write user story and draw sequence diagram.

My user story and sequence diagram on difficulty attribute of game
2. Then we created a context diagram for the whole system and 10 user stories with titles only.

10 user stories and context diagram for whole system
3. Next, we brainstormed candidate classes/objects for the domain model.

Brainstormed candidate classes/objects

Domain model
4. We then created a diagram of software architecture and annotate it with trust boundaries.
Also, we created a UI flow diagram (state diagram) and a set of UI prototype screen drawings representing the planned user interactions. The screen prototypes only included the major screens for the application.

5. Here is a UML class diagram for the complete application design.

UI flow diagram
UML class diagram
6. Upon the end of the project, we conducted code quality and unit testing by each person picking a non-trivial method (one that has loops and/or conditional statements) and tested that method to achieve branch coverage.

Inspection issue log
My method contract for code quality check
Final Product

new game
create player
travel options
buy/sell action
Video demonstration